Where the healing begins...

Welcome to We Are The Dots – your go-to conscious resource directory that facilitates your inner and outer transformation journey and helps you connect the dots so you can live a more awakened life.

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Get to know yourself. Inside and Out.

Are you feeling lost in life? Disconnected with yourself, in your relationships and even at work? Yearning for change, but you simply don’t know where to start? Then you’ve come to the right place. 
We Are The Dots is a brand-new conscious resource directory packed full of curated resources from all over the world that can guide you on your inner and outer transformation journey, giving you a whole new and conscious perspective on how you live your life and show up in the world.

Our Story

We Are The Dots was founded by sustainability visionary and futurist, Dr. Chloe J Hill, who has spent years, if not decades, dedicating herself to personal growth and healing.  

Chloe has single-handedly curated this conscious resource directory with all the incredible resources she has unearthed along her healing path and which, she knows, can benefit you, as you embark on your journey of inner and outer transformation. With so much information out there, it gets overwhelming sometimes. We Are The Dots helps you start.

Check out how the dots came to be and learn more about what makes us tick with our guiding vision and mission.

How we have helped others on their journey

We Are The Dots Index