Top Documentaries about Death – Talk Death
These documentaries help to raise and open our awareness around death consciousness.
Create a beautiful memorial website and fundraiser – Cake
Create your own free online tribute page.
Start a memory box – Sue Ryder
A digital memory box that can help you to feel connected to the person you’re missing and bring you a sense of comfort during your grief.
Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death by Joan Halifax
This book helps dying people to face death with courage and trains professional and family caregivers in compassionate and ethical end-of-life care.
Webinar on Mindful Approaches to Caring for Someone Close to Death – Zen Caregiving project
A webinar that shares practices that help us to be fully present to the experience of dying.
Online community and bereavement support – Sue Ryder
Sue Ryder’s online community for bereavement support.
End-of-Life Doula Certificate Course Online
Learn to become an end-of-life doula with this online course.
End of Life Course – Grey Matter Learning
This online course will enable you to better manage working with people who need end of life care.
End of Life Care: Challenges and Innovation – Future Learn
Explore dying and palliative care practice around the world and evaluate new trends and ideas surrounding end of life care issues.
Let’s talk about Death and Dying: How to have difficult conversations – Age Uk
This booklet has been designed to start conversations to help everyone to feel empowered and positive to talk about death,