Navigating ambivalence, with clarity coach Keltie Maguire – We are Child Free Podcast

Keltie Maguire is a clarity coach who’s originally from Canada and now lives in Germany. It’s only in the last six months, as she nears her 40th birthday, that Keltie’s reached a 95% confidence in her choice to embrace a life without children. That last 5% is super important, because Keltie isn’t someone to fully close the door on any possibility, preferring to live the most dynamic life possible. You’ll hear about how for Keltie, like so many of us, the desire to be a mother simply never arrived, and how she found her way through this ambivalence, towards a joyful, fulfilling life. This one’s a must-listen if you aren’t sure whether you want children or not, as Keltie and I swap strategies for finding clarity and feeling comfortable with the life path you’re currently on.

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This episode talks about friendships, ambivalence, loss, and grief.