Breaking up with your best friend – Daily Om

The idea that best friends are meant to last forever is unfortunately a romantic ideal and rarely the case. Like most things in life, friendships change as we change. And how a friendship begins and ends is just as varied and diverse as the people we come to know. It grows out of a mutual partnership between two individuals who over time will change in ways that may inevitably take each person in new directions. Sometimes best friends can journey together, and sometimes they can’t.

With this 14-day course, you’ll be taken on a journey of discovery and action, and you’ll get all the support and tools you need to navigate the rocky terrain of a troubled friendship. The goal of this course is to guide you as you take compassionate and mindful action through the use of self-empowering tools–visualization, meditation, affirmation, and intention. By doing this, you’ll discover what it is you ultimately seek in a best friend and how to achieve that desire for your own personal happiness.

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