How to Be the Love You Seek: Break Cycles, Find Peace, and Heal Your Relationships by Nicole Le Pera

Relationships have long been essential to human survival. Our bodies and brains are programmed to seek out connection, both romantic and platonic. And yet, these vital bonds are often the at the root of some of our deepest suffering. For decades, experts have posited that maintaining successful relationships requires a certain kind of compromise; of two people changing their behaviours and instincts to better meet the needs of the other. In theory, it sounds reasonable. But in reality, while feeling seen, valued, and loved are basic human yearnings, we can’t rely on others to make us feel whole – it must come from within.

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This book explores eighty-seven of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human and walk through a new framework for cultivating meaningful connection.
A book which helps you heal old hurts and deepen your capacity for a deeper, more enduring love.