Having children brings a lot of new challenges, but at the same time, those sweet coos, smiles, and giggles make it all worth it. Kids teach us to have fun again, remind us to laugh, and bring out the best versions of ourselves.
As children grow, the challenges change, and it’s up to you and your partner to tackle them as a team—which is easier said than done. Just as your lifestyle changes after having a baby, so too does your relationship. Parenting adds a constant rotation of new obstacles to hurdle, and that’s difficult to do when you both have the energy level of a sloth.
If you feel like you and your partner have hit a rough patch since having kids, you’re not alone! Here, with the help of reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist Dr. Carly Snyder and interviews with real-life couples, we break down life after kids and how to make time to reconnect.